The BAP Label

Look for the BAP Label

One of the easiest ways to know that your seafood was produced in a safe, responsible, and ethical way is to look for the Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) label when you shop for seafood products.


Why You Should Look for the BAP Label

The BAP program is the most comprehensive certification program for farmed seafood, with standards covering each step of the production chain.

These steps are represented by stars on the BAP label.

BAP 4 Star Blue-01


Where the product is processed and packaged before reaching you



Where the fish are grown to harvest size



Where the fish are reared and raised


Feed Mill

Where fish feed is produced

The Pillars of Responsibility

BAP’s standards are based on four pillars of responsibility– environmental responsibility, social accountability, food safety, and animal health and welfare.
environmental responsibility

Environmental Responsibility

Water quality, proper disposal of waste, and ensuring marine habitats are protected.

animal heallth and welfare

Animal Health & Welfare

Proper monitoring of behavior and physical health and ensuring animals are treated humanely.

food safety

Food Safety

Proper sanitation, product handling and transport confirmed by product inspections.

social accountability

Social Accountability

Fair treatment of workers and providing safe, healthy, and clean working conditions.

Support Responsible Farmers Around the World

BAP is part of the Global Seafood Alliance, an international nonprofit organization that works to advance responsible seafood practices through advocacy, education and certification. GSA is a membership organization whose members consist of producers, retailers, restaurants, associations, and individuals like you. Join us in supporting responsible seafood practices around the world by becoming a member today.